F.Y.A. Find Your AwesomeDear Friends,

Here’s a new term for the new year:


Please read on, and share this. I thank you in advance.

You are the (author) Hero of your own story.

What will you do to write a Happily Ever After or Mission Complete ending?

Is there something you know that you know is missing in your life? Can you “feel” it just under the surface – like an itch you can’t scratch?

Do you have an idea dying to be explored?

Maybe a craving to shift from your current work, to something totally new? Create? Travel? Move?

Or do you ask yourself the deeper questions:

Why am I here? (Why are you here?)

What is my purpose? (What is your purpose?)

Or maybe it’s just me who has these questions rolling around in my head every day. Yes?

Finding your elusive purpose is not the means to an end.

It’s the journey of discovery and the joy of…

taking the chance,

a risk,

a diversion from what is your “normal”,

a left instead of a right (even though my mother always said: If you go right you’ll never go wrong).

The beginning to your story could be around the corner, under a rock, across the country — but you must actively start the search to find your awesome (F.Y.A.)  It’s there for you. It’s there for every person who will have the courage to go forward.

This past year meant I was no longer “searching” for a direction. After years and years, I answered the call and found my road map.

Of course sometimes I’m reading it upside down!

Or it seems to be written in a foreign language.

Or gets temporarily misplaced!

But my journey is clearer for sure.

How are you doing with your journey?

Now I “seek” people, opportunities and paths that complement my journey and trust that they all help to lead me towards the place I need to be.

Finding Your Awesome (F.Y.A.) begins with the “Call to Adventure” – one of the steps in author Joseph Campbell’s classic narrative, “The Hero’s Journey.”

Here you are living in your ordinary day-to-day life.

Something happens to you that ignites or propels you to take a new action into the unknown.

That little voice you no longer can ignore.

It’s the beginning of every great story. Your story.

May 2015 find you as the Super Hero in your own story.

Please share your story. I can’t wait to hear how it ends!

#FYA Find Your Awesome



3 Thoughts on “F.Y.A. (Find Your Awesome)

  1. Fantastic post! I love the concept! I too feel 2014 was about finding my way. I discovered that road map and started to trust the path that has been laid out in front of me. I look forward to all that 2015 has to offer!
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  2. I found my awesome and I’m not letting go.
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